About Me

Rita G. Callahan   ~Career Educator       ~Author     ~Educational Trainer  

I am a veteran educator of 29 years. I entered as a novice, and my goal is to leave the profession as a master teacher, having fulfilled my calling.

 I feel like I’ve taught a little of everything over the years, but my calling card is that of a Spanish instructor.

I’ve had an aptness for writing since childhood, so I studied journalism in my undergraduate years at Mississippi College (Go Choctaws!) to nurture those skills. Little did I know that I would minor in Spanish and that this decision would open a door to a long-term career in education, landing my first teaching job at a private ministerial school, Abundant Life Christian Academy, in Jackson, Mississippi.

Since then, I would need more than two hands to count all the schools, programs, private teaching, and online tutoring venues at which I have served in an educator capacity, each experience being a learning and a growing opportunity.

I am not a complainer but a solution-driven person. Some may confuse these two types of personalities without knowing that the latter is motivated through passions for positive change. 

My blogs give me the opportunity to, as I like to say, give my two cents worth on a variety of topics related to education. In addition, I will share the expertise of other third-party entities. Some posts or articles may contain external links to videos, other affiliate textual content, products, or services.

Furthermore, In my spare time, I also contribute op-eds to the Mississippi Free Press online publication and create tutorial and other content for my YouTube channels, RGC Education, Kid Ready Videos, My Success Channel, and Your Instrumental Music 1-Stop Shop.

Although the education arena is at the forefront of my content, other topics that interest me are political matters, community issues, and spiritual and cultural awareness. My plan is to publish new articles here from time to time.

Lastly, as I launch a new career in educational entrepreneurship, I will update this site with access to my educational training opportunities, online courses, and more! Stay tuned!

Let me hear from you!
